Monday, November 24, 2008


We all have gifts even though we may not be aware of them. Artists and athletes gifts are obvious. There are so many more gifts than these. Think of a person who is always kind regardless of the situation. That is a gift. The list is long and the one I want to focus on is the gift of openness of a person to feel and see spirits. It is my understanding that all children have this, but only a few let it develop. I guess I missed the boat.

There are many who may smell the fragrance of their mother and know that her spirit is near. Others may feel a chill when a spirit is close. I have even had this type of experience. I find it so amazing that someone can be so open to the idea of spirits that they can visually see them. We live in a very complicated world. This stated I think that those who have not crossed over to the here-after/heaven are bound to the spirit world by something they have not completed on earth.

There are spirits out there trying to make their selves known. I am trying to be aware of the sounds, smells, a light touch, a whisper, and a slight pull on a strain of hair, a chill, or being engulfed in warmth/love. If I should ever encounter a ghost I do hope it is loveable, kind, and fun to be around. Baskets Of Ghosts

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